Howe’s that?
You’ve got to admire Lord Howe’s balls. With the Health and Social Care Bill facing its final Common’s reading amid Labour claims that it’s a Trojan horse for privatization, up pops health minister Howe to say the overhaul of the NHS in England presents “huge opportunities” to the private sector, and that it doesn’t matter “one jot” who provides care to NHS patients as long as it’s high quality and free at the point of delivery.
Cameron, Clegg and Lansley are only continuing the Blair project – endorsed by Gordon Brown and successive Labour governments – of introducing markets into the NHS. But where Labour tried to hide its intentions with irritating euphemisms – modernisation, choice, empowerment, diversity, plurality, contestability – the coalition is utterly shameless.
Labour did make improvements to the NHS but very little was down to their market experiment. They increased NHS funding from £35 billion to £110 billion and got results. Waiting times, infant mortality and deaths from cancer, heart disease and hospital acquired infections all went down, and life expectancy rose (especially for the rich). Much of this was down to better living standards and the development of collaborative quality standards
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