Burying Bad News No 789
The repeated refusal of the Government to publish its ‘risk register’ for the Health and Social Care Bill is unsurprising given the culture of secrecy and cover-up in the NHS. Information commissioner Christopher Graham has now judged that the document should be published, but health secretary Andrew Lansley is likely to sit on it for 28 days before deciding whether to launch an appeal. The Bill is littered with risks, most notably that billions of pounds will be spent on another massive, rapid, ill thought-out restructure that ends up roughly where we started but with staff demoralised and patients neglected.
As one GP commissioner put it: ‘We were initially told we could choose the size of our consortium, so we went small so we could be flexible. Then we were told we had to be much bigger to have any clout so we merged with other local consortia, which was a huge hassle. Now we’ve been told we’re the wrong shape and have to mirror the local authority boundary. That’s three reorganisations in under a year. Are they making it up as they go along?’ The GP consortia (now renamed clinical commissioning groups) will be
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