Will patients notice when NHS reforms go live in April 2013?
The biggest reforms in NHS history go live in April 2013, but will patients notice? The strap-line of Andrew Lansley’s baby was ‘no decision about me, without me’ but patients have had little say in the make up or operation of the NHS Commissioning Board, the Health and Social Care Information Centre, Health Education, the NHS Trust Development Authority, Healthwatch England, Local Healthwatch, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Clinical Commissioning Groups. Every year, the Health Service Journal produces a list of the people with ‘ the greatest influence on health policy and the NHS’, and MD shows it to patients. This year, none could identify any of the top ten (hint: all white men, and four of the top six are called David).
At least Lansley became recognizable, but the current NHS is led by men you’ve never heard of who are miles away. For all the talk of devolving power to GPs, there are none in the top 20 and only one Clinical Commissioning Group chief in the top 100. Anna Bradley, the chair of Healthwatch England, ‘the consumer champion who will make the system listen to the
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