Raj Mattu and the death of whisteblowing
If ever a case demonstrated the futility and jeopardy of blowing the whistle in the NHS, it is that of Dr Raj Mattu. Eye readers will be well aware of the protracted and inhuman victimisation of Mattu (Eyes passim) which has destroyed his health and career, and robbed the NHS of a brilliant cardiologist who was brave enough to speak up about patient harm. University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) has already wasted £6 million pursuing this vendetta, and may waste even more appealing against the employment tribunal judgement that he was unfairly dismissed and that his whistleblowing had been entirely justified. Mattu will never work as a consultant again, so the NHS has also wasted all the money it spent training him, patients have been deprived of his expertise and the compensation payment will be considerable. There has never been a proper inquiry into the alleged deaths and harm caused by the trust’s persistent cramming of five patients into four-bedded bays over a long period of time, relatives have been denied the truth and any chance of justice, and the NHS has not learned from its mistakes.
Perhaps most shocking
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