The NHS in Scotland and England
Oh the irony. Labour’s killer argument to win the next election –that the Tories are destroying the NHS – has become Alex Salmond’s killer argument to win independence and lose Labour some safe seats. Salmond argues that the privatization of the NHS in England will shrink the health budget and have a knock-on effect in Scotland, and that independence will protect the budget and also allow protection from future privatization to be (hastily) written into the Scottish constitution.
Yet the NHS in Scotland is already devolved and has the power to resist private providers. In Scotland, personal care, prescriptions, dental check-ups and eye-tests are all free. Scotland has more GPs, medical hospital staff, nursing, midwifery and health visiting staff per person. It has no ‘market’ in healthcare; there are no Foundation Trusts, just a few PFI hospitals and none of the extra bureaucracy and regulation needed to manage the market. It has comparatively little private provision either outside or within its NHS. Scotland’s spend on public health is highly focused and it was first to introduce the public smoking ban. And yet despite this publically funded, controlled and provided NHS, life expectancies in Scotland
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