Choice Words
When MD debated the Health and Social Care Act with its creator, Andrew Lansley, on BBC 1’s Question time 3 years ago, my main concern was its focus on competition (86 mentions) over collaboration (0). The most competitive, consumerist health service in the world (America) is also the most expensive, unfair and wasteful. It spends 16.9% of its GDP on health, compared to the UK’s 9.27%, and yet average life expectancy is lower. The UK also spends considerably less than Holland (11.77%), France (11.61%), Denmark (10.98%) and Canada (10.93%). No wonder it’s struggling.
Competition and choice require spare capacity which the NHS was never going to be able to provide with an ageing population and a £30 billion black hole in its finances, and it’s not easy to shop around and travel for treatment when you’re ill. Yet when the Bill was enacted, a ‘factsheet’ was produced by the DH claiming ‘choice and competition are a powerful means for the NHS to deliver high quality services for patients, and value for money for taxpayers’ and ‘there is emerging evidence of the benefits of competition in the NHS. Where there is competition and choice, it leads
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