When will we ever learn?
On March 3, Dr Bill Kirkup published his report on the failures in maternity care at Furness General Hospital (FGH) between 2004 and 2013 (Eyes passim ad nauseum). It received scant media attention, possibly because repeated serious NHS failings have lost their ability to shock. The investigation found 20 instances of significant or major failures of care at the hospital which could have contributed to the deaths of 3 mothers and 16 babies. The report concluded that one mother and 11 babies could have been prevented from dying if they had been given different clinical care.
The report found serious failures at every level of the NHS from the trust to the Care Quality Commission (CQC), Monitor, the Department of Health and the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO). Kirkup uncovered a ‘lethal mix’ of factors that led not just to avoidable deaths but a culture where midwives at FGH and the trust itself to cover up what happened. Unsurprisingly, the lessons from previous deaths went unlearned and the harm repeated itself. The report found that following serious incidents there had been ‘instances of distortion of the truth’, ‘distortion of the process underlying an inquest’
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