Mind the Rota Gaps
The NHS is facing a £30 billion black hole in its finances by 2020, caused by 10 years if flat-line funding and a 4% year on year increase in demand for its services as people persist in living longer that they used to. Prior to the last election, NHS England chief Simons Stevens said – in the best case scenario – the NHS could recoup £22 billion in efficiency savings without damaging patient care, something MD (amongst many others) said was highly unlikely. This would leave the government with just £8 billion extra to provide over £5 years, enough to just about keep the lights on. Lib Dem expenses expert David Laws is now alleging Stevens asked for £16 billion from the government and was sent packing. True or false, the NHS is now being sucked into a huge black hole of debt and services and waiting times are suffering.
The demand on the NHS is made worse by 20% cuts in social care as patients can’t be discharged from hospital or stay well outside it. Poverty causes ill health too, and cuts in welfare payments add to the burden on the NHS. A sure sign
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